Tuesday 7 July 2015

Get to Know Me: 21 QUESTIONS TAG

Hi everyone!

I thought it was about time to let my personality show through in this blog, so what better way to do that than with a tag post? 
I like to think that you will enjoy reading my posts a bit more if you actually have a good idea of who I am. So, let me introduce myself: I'm Kerry, and I'm a student who lives in the granite city of Scotland. Now, let's get onto the tag...

1. Are you named after anyone? I'm not named after anyone, but my name was actually meant to be Nicole. Sorry to all the Nicoles out there, my Dad wasn't too fond of it!

2. When was the last time you cried? Last week, I think. I don't normally cry, but sometimes you just need to let it all out and that's okay.

3. Do you have kids? Nope, and I won't even consider it for a very long time.

4. If you were another person, would you be a friend of yourself? I always think about things like this. I think it's important to be someone that you like, and to try and treat others the way you want to be treated. What's the point in being yourself if you don't like who you are? So yes, I would.

5. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Only with people I'm close to because not everyone gets it.

6. Will you ever bungee-jump? I doubt I'll ever get the chance to, but I think I would. I can imagine myself being too scared but ending up loving it afterwards.

7. What's your favourite cereal? I never have cereal in the house - it's mainly just muesli and porridge (yawn) but I love Krave. I could eat it all day, which is why I don't buy it - because I probably would.

8. What's the first thing you notice about people? This sounds weird but I notice their tone and volume of their voice. I think it gives you an idea of how shy that person is, or even how they're feeling.

9. What's your eye colour? I actually have sectoral heterochromia, which is where part of the iris is a different colour to the rest of it. I have green eyes, but I have a little brown splodge in one of them!

10. Scary movie or happy endings? I love a good horror movie, but it has to have a good plot. Otherwise, what's the point? I like it when movies have happy endings but I much prefer a twist in the story that makes everything go a bit tits up - which happens more in horrors.

11. Favourite smells? Anything fruity, baked (Yankee Snowflake Cookie, I'm looking at you), or Asian smelling. Oh, and I love the smell of petrol too...

12. Summer or winter? Definitely summer. I was a complete winter girl up until a few years ago, but I love being warm. Maybe it's a Scottish thing, it's always bloody cold here.

13. Computer or television? 100% computer. It can do everything that a television can do, and more.

14. What's the furthest you've ever been from home? The furthest I've ever been is Spain, and if you're good at geography, you'll know that's not very far away.

15. Do you have any special talents? I can put my thumb right underneath my knuckles, and I can stick my shoulder blades out. 

16. Where were you born? In Scotland, of course. I originally come from a little place near Glasgow.

17. What are your hobbies? Watching TV shows, and youtube. I love to read books and blogs, and I like shopping - even if it's just window shopping... I also love spending time with my boyfriend by going out for dinner and just relaxing together in our wee flat.

18. Do you have any pets? Back home, I have a family dog called Honey. She's a springer spaniel crossed with something. You wouldn't be able to tell though, apart from the fact she's really friendly and loves to jump on anything that moves there's absolutely nothing else.

19. Favourite movie? Trust my mind to go blank at this one! At the top of my head - A Nightmare on Elm Street, Se7en, NANA, Fight Club, Girl, Interrupted, Trance, and a recent find - Scott Pilgrim vs The World. I had to make this a list, who actually has one favourite movie?

20. Do you have any siblings? I have two sisters, but I am the baby.

21. What do you want to be when you grow up? A psychologist of some sort, maybe clinical? Maybe a psychiatrist? 

There we have it, all 21 questions done! Gold star if you made it this far. Why don't you let me get to know you by answering a question or two in the comments below? -x

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